We've a couple of great events coming up in September and would love your participation, either just for the fun of it if you're in to movies, or to join our volunteer effort as RBYC once again continues the fight against the global problem of marine debris.
What's on this month?
Mozart, a prolific musical genius, died very young, and theories of nefarious plots on his life have swirled about through the centuries ever since. Were established members of the musical aristocracy enraged by this brash, irreverent, upstart whose way with women and melodies prefigured modern rock stars? Come see this controversial biopic that explores one of the leading theories.
Filmed on location in Prague with buildings and streets older than the music. Experience the very opera house in which “Don Giovanni” was first presented, Mozart directing.
So don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to once again see this epic film on the big screen with sound quality to match. Screening starts at 6.45pm at Sam’s Tours.
Tuesday 3rd September - SPECIAL MOVIE NIGHT - A cinema extravaganza! Winner of eight academy awards including best picture and best musical score, and the music was written over 225 years ago! Come relive this stunning visual and musical masterpiece,Amadeus.
Now just released in a digitally remastered version, the “director’s cut,” with a 20 minute longer running time than the 1984 original. An excellent historical biography of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart directed by Milos Foreman in high definition digital format on Sam’s Tours big screen and super sound system.Mozart, a prolific musical genius, died very young, and theories of nefarious plots on his life have swirled about through the centuries ever since. Were established members of the musical aristocracy enraged by this brash, irreverent, upstart whose way with women and melodies prefigured modern rock stars? Come see this controversial biopic that explores one of the leading theories.
Filmed on location in Prague with buildings and streets older than the music. Experience the very opera house in which “Don Giovanni” was first presented, Mozart directing.
So don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to once again see this epic film on the big screen with sound quality to match. Screening starts at 6.45pm at Sam’s Tours.
Friday 20th September - Dinghy Raft Up - weather permitting! For those of you who haven't attended one before, bring your dinghy, some drinks, and a nibbly thing to share, meeting at Sam's at 5pm and heading out to watch the sunset somewhere. If you're like me and don't have a dinghy then just rock up and someone will take you in :)
September - Project Aware Dive Against Debris Month of Action
More than six million tons of marine litter is estimated to enter the ocean each year. But scuba divers globally have a zoom focus on battling the ocean’s silent killer from beneath the surface – especially during September’s Debris Month of Action. The mission? To combat the growing marine debris problem and inspire year-round action to remove, report and prevent underwater debris. RBYC is an avid supporter of Project Aware clean up events and September is no exception. Please email us if you'd like to be involved in our next harbour clean up event (date to be confirmed), or sign up on the RBYC notice board at Sam's Tours.
RBYC Online
Once again don't forget to check out the RBYC Blog at http://rbycpalau.blogspot.com/ . Don't forget to 'Like' us on Facebook and spread the word! https://www.facebook.com/RoyalBelauYachtClub.RBYC.Palau .
RBYC Membership Renewals in 2013 - Pop in to the Sam's Tours Dive Shop and renew your membership today. We're pleased to announce that our membership dues for 2013 remain unchanged with Regular membership $25, or Family membership $35. A list of all the RBYC member benefits can be found on our blog here http://rbycpalau.blogspot.com/p/contacts-dues-and-location.html .
Have a great week ahead!
The RBYC Team :)